Light Source Frequency Lecture: 432 Hz, Ascension in the Body – Seed of Life, the 888!

Date of Release – Online Videolecture: December 2021
– free preview now available

Since December 21, 2012 the world has gone through the cosmic door and gained a tremendous momentum. In March 2020 this became visible and tangible for everyone on Earth. December 2012 and the rollout of the timeline have been on since that time, had already been announced in many ancient rock art (including the 17,000+ year old Source Frequency Inscription) and writings.

We are in the MOST IMPORTANT PHASE of an Aeons long NATURAL, SPIRAL, CONSCIOUSLY CREATED, COSMIC TIMELINE where the frequency energies of the past need to become Conscious and Purged in the present. The layers of impure frequency energies stored in ourselves invisible come to and in the LIGHT.

Only in the here and now can they become conscious. Through this the process of cleaning, healing and harmonizing in and by ourselves can start.

We are Light Frequencies. We create our reality through LightFrequencies. Everything is Frequency! What this means is being (re)discovered by us in the here and now. We are the zero point, the still point in a 3-dimensional polar reality. This reality unfolds daily within the organic, energetic frequency-boundaries of the holographic octave. Think of the image of Russian Dolls. Every doll fits into the one that is one size bigger.

The illusion of the separate, unconnected 3rd Dimensional Tornade is increasing in power in and around us. This is a direct result of the increase in Lightfrequencies that can enter our dimension again. The Lightfrequency of Connecting in Consciousness is constantly expanding and the spirals of Light are accelerating in their spread throughout the world. This means that Humanity is Awakening in Consiousness more and more at a high pace. Our time was known by indigenous people as: The Great Awakening.

We can BE in this illusion by MOVING from our inner still point – the Eye of the storm. This is the 3rd POINT in a Polar (2 poles) Reality where 3=1 and 1=3. It is the point where everyone connects with:

  • non judgment
  • holistic insights
  • higher consciousness
  • contact with your dimensional selves
  • unconditional love

It is the point where I = You = He/She/It = We = You = They, Are ONE.
Where We Are 1 We Are All

Insights in the 432hz video lectures come from the Cosmic Heart where 7 distinct and inseparable frequencies of lightfrequencies/ creation- and consciousnessenergies are continuously at service of each of us for healing, insights, empowerment, creation, sovereignty and trust in the Universal Timeline that is now unfolding in every persons life. Life is not “happening” to you and we no longer let ourselves be used as a toy but step by step we are becoming conscious of the power to create our lives ourself.

What kind of life and reality are you creating?

Choice of Payment: Paypal or Creditcard payment can be made at the start of the videolecture.

After payment the videolecture will start immediately.

Password will be in the receipt of your payment that you receive by mail.

All insights are from the oldest known Source Frequency Rockinscription (17,000> years BC). It is a cosmic frequency language encoded in the form of music that can help harmonize ourselves, the world in which we now live as well as help during the restoration of Harmonic Connection with “the rest” of all realities.

If you like you have a look at the ebook Source Frequencies here >>>

“Living in a world without understanding the hidden laws of nature is like not knowing the language of the land of one’s birth”. – Hazrat Inayat Khan (1882-1927) Sufi Teacher, Musician and Writer.
(Book of Source Frequencies Chapter 8)





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LightSourceFrequencies & Music consists of 7 by mirroring unchanging and thus Universal Frequencies of Creation. The Unity in Diversity of thes 7 eventually lead towards the Crown Consciousness of the 8, the Octave! The 7 are needed to create a 13+layered Dimensional Reality, for a life within a dimensional layerd physical body and to a creation of an infinite number in possibilities of manifestations”. ~M.Vonhoff

In the Now-moment Humanity is ascending out of her expirencies gained in the Reality of the 3rd Dimensional Frequencies via the 4th Dimension into the New Reality of the 5th Dimensional Frequencies.


In the video lecture various DO IT YOURSELF instructions will be given. The most powerful way to open yourself to the Quantum Leap in Consciousness is the way of DOING IT YOURSELF.


Whenever you feel like it, pause the video to quietly take in the image or content. Meditate on and visualize an image that moves you. Choose your own route in absorbing the video reading.

It is possible to watch this video lecture 3 times. The password you receive after payment is valid for 6 months and can be used on 4 devices. So it is now possible to watch each reading not just once, but 3 times, let it pass through you and discover that each time you watch it again, the insights and frequency energies will touch and awaken deeper layers within you.

At this moment the lectures will only be offered in Video form. There is a plan to organise gatherings in which everyone who feels connected to the insights the LightSource Frequencies give, can meet each other and together strengthen the Universal Earth Frequencies.

LightSourceFrequency Online Videolectures October & November 2021

  1. October 2021: 432 Hz At the Focal-Point (read more >>>)
  2. November 2021: 432 Hz Opening of the HeartSourceFrequencies – Atlantis (read more >>>)
  3. December 2021: 432 Hz Opening of the HeartSourceFrequencies – Corona (read more >>>)
  4. December 2021: 432 Hz Ascension within the Body (read more >>>)
  5. Spring 2022: 432 Hz Under the Magnifying Glass (read more >>>)
  6. Spring 2022: 432 Hz Sacred Sound Geometry (read more >>>)