Holy Heavenly Matrimony Merkaba
Awakening of Inner Sacred Space Frequency Energies.

When Osiris/Shiva is in alignment with Isis/Shakti there is potential for grounding cosmic power and spirituality of the Highest Order. For the “opposites” (Aquarius – Leo: Partial Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on August 7, 2017 – Total Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017) of Female and Male become Harmonized and work in cooperation.

It is in accordance with the Divinity of Humanity to cherish and honor both “polarities” YinYang and YOUnite them in the core and start living from possibility, abundance and unconditional, universal Frequencies of Love Consciousness: #432hz; Squaringthecircle, Heaven=Earth.

Video by Marret Vonhoff ( www.personare-soundcenter.com/…/book-source-frequencies-dec…)

Tip: Use of headphones for making the experience of watching go deep as well as holographic one.
Use the pause button for looking deep into the images or reading the in-sight information.